Timothy Elliott
My art work is relaxed and sometimes playful, never stuffy or formal. For a long time I considered myself just a PAINTER, but when I look back on what I have created over the years, I see a balance of music making, moving pictures, visual art and environmental-art. I have always been fascinated by the concept of INTEGRITY in regard to art. As a matter of fact, from the very first time I laid eyes on Dianne Durston’s book, “Wabi Sabi: The art of everyday living”, I identified with the concepts within it completely. I feel like I can successfully claim the moniker WABI SABI ARTIST. My work has always had a certain anti-manufacture, anti-commercial element to it. It’s often rustic, imperfect and simple. In the mid 1980’s I had an exhibition called “Art for Sterile Environments”, in an effort to add life and a sense of realness to spaces that lacked humanity and vulnerability.